How can I protect my home and family from fire?
Most apartment fires are caused by grease on stoves, unsupervised children, or careless smoking. Tragedy can be prevented by practicing these home fire safety tips every day:
How do I avoid hidden fire dangers around my home?
Fires can be prevented by spotting dangerous items around your housing unit and taking action to make them safe. Here are a few suggestions about common hazards:
How do I get out of my unit in case of a fire?
All exits must be clear so you can get out in case of a fire. The sliding side of bedroom windows must not be blocked by any furniture or obstruction that cannot be moved easily.
How does the smoke detector help protect my family?
All housing units have smoke detectors and are inspected quarterly for fire hazards. The alarm sometimes makes a loud, annoying noise during cooking or other normal activities. If this happens, open your windows and doors to let in the fresh air. Do not disconnect the smoke detector - this is grounds for termination of your lease!